
These perennials are grown for their beautiful poker-like flower spikes. They are found wild in South Africa. They are commonly called Torch Lily, Poker Plant and Red-Hot Poker Plant. The height ranges between the varieties from 2 to 5 feet and they form tufts of narrow, linear, arching leaves that may be blue-green or medium green. K. 'Royal Standard' produces small, tubular flowers in compact spikes on stout, upright stems in late summer. The flowers are bright yellow opening from scarlet-vermilion buds. K. 'Strawberries and Cream' produce terminal spikes of tubular creamy white flowers that open from pinkish-red buds, in late summer. Other varieties will be mentioned below.

Pot Cultivation

Grow Poker Plants in moist, but well-drained soil, in full sun. They will flourish in sandy, loamy soil; clayey ground can be improved by adding compost, grit, sand and decayed manure. In cold regions, choose a sheltered location, but make sure it receives plenty of sun as these plants won't thrive in shade or partial shade. Mulch the crowns to protect them during the winter. Water them freely while they are growing actively.


Increase your plants by dividing them carefully in the spring. Seeds may also be sown in pots of sifted sandy soil, but they are slow growing.

K. Nelsonii


  • K. Burchellli;
  • K. caulescens;
  • K. Macowanii;
  • K. Nelsonii;
  • K. Northiae;
  • K. rufa;
  • K. Tuckii;
  • K. triangularis; Wrexham Beauty; Atlanta; Ice Queen; Little Maid; Percy's Pride; Royal Standard; Strawberries and Cream; Coral Sea; Earliest of All; Golden Sceptre; Springtime; Summer Sunshine; W.S. Reeves; White Fairy.

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